Thank You ...

Image of three hands - dad, mom & baby

very much for joining my video email list. Here are the treats and information I promised.

The first is your free report on how music effects a baby's brain. It is a summary of the latest research and it will give you some great conversation points.

Free Report

Click here to open free report pdf.

Then there are some free mp3s. You can listen to them by clicking on the title of the song.

To download the songs, scroll down to the download links.

I think you find them comforting, soothing and healing.

My first email will be along soon. When you see it, please add me to your contacts list to be sure of getting future emails with all sorts of information and goodies.

In the mean time, please accept a big e-hug from me. You are wonderful!

Free MP3s.

Here's a song from each of my CDs. Just hit the play button or click on a title to listen. To download, check out the links below. Hope you and your baby find comfort and inspiration in this music. - Amy


Download Links

(To download, right click on the links below and choose "Save linkas", "Save Target As", or similar language)

How Can I Keep FromSinging {from Circling}

Ballyeamon Cradle Song {fromThe Divine Hours of Motherhood}

TooraLoora Looral {from Lullaby and Goodnight}


Sharing is Caring


Online Musical Parenting Class

An online baby music class that makes parenting easier and more fun.

Click Here to Learn More

Mommy Jingles Logo


Award Winning Book for New Moms

Transformational Mothering Cover

"Amy Robbins-Wilson has written a book that is honest, non-judgmental, and which honors mothers for the TRUE complexity of motherhood."

- Amazon Reviewer

Check it out on Amazon

Moms Choice Award


Mom's Choice Awards
Gold Medal Winner

The Divine Hours of Motherhood

"I can not imagine a better way to lay a child to rest. The artist has the most angelic voice. Her work is like a whisper to the soul."

- Amazon Reviewer

Check it out on Amazon


CD of 33 Lullabies
Includes video course and downloadable lyrics book

Kids Music Award Winner

Lullaby and Goodnight CD Cover

"...he was completely silent, no crying, no fussing, just absolutely silent, then I realized he was listening intently with every fiber of his body to the music, and after a good ten minutes of this he was sound asleep. Awesome!!! But the really really cool part is that I enjoyed the music too! It wasn't just silly nursery rhymes I didn't care about it was beautiful and ancient angelic sounds and lyrics that made me feel enveloped in a sacred space of beauty and importance. Like I was being honored and nurtured and held for being a mother"

- Amazon Reviewer

Check it out at Amazon