ahboo babesha

I don't know the words but it was a soothing chant that sounded like 'ahboo babesha' and I put my daughter to sleep with it every night. It may be an American Indian lullaby, but the tape it was on was mixed, I'm sure of that.
It was from the early to mid 1990's and I have tried to find it everywhere, but not knowing the words has made it impossible!

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Mar 21, 2023
Ahboo Baby shaw (ohonetic) NEW
by: Anonymous

Looking for the same beautiful song and with no name it's impossible! Any help would be greatly appreciated. It was on a cassette from the library in 1193 or 1994.

May 29, 2017
ahboo babesha exactly! NEW
by: Anonymous

did you ever find this? I've been searching too! so beautiful and soothing!

Sep 25, 2015
looking too!
by: Anonymous

I know the song you're talking about, it is beautiful, but I'm in the same boat you're in! Can't find it anywhere. if you have any luck please let me know!
Good luck.

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