Interview with Director Frances Elliot About the Film - Project 91

Project 91

Frances Elliot Interview

Frances Elliot answers to Amy Robbins-Wilson's questions.

What was your inspiration for Project 91?

My original idea for Project 91 was sparked by an interesting story my friend told me. He bought a new car, and found a series of tapes in the glove box. These tapes were recordings of a man who had been recording his life each time he got into the car. I thought this was great! The idea developed from there, combined with a ‘1984’ type theme, of paranoia about an untrustworthy government.

There are so many cliffhangers! Will there be a more extended version at some point?

Unfortunately, there will be no more to Project 91. Perhaps, ignorance is bliss?However we already have another film in pre-production, which will be finished late November. Another very exciting project!

Tell me about how you chose Hush Little Baby for your soundtrack? I found it quite haunting.

How I found ‘Hush Little Baby’ was one of those magical moments in film that only happen once in a while. The lyrics to this lullaby reflect a lot of the issues Albie has with his mother and father, and how disconnected Albie has become from a father who once promised him everything. How I found the song was the magical part. I clicked on a site to read the lyrics, and a tune came out from the page that took my breath away. This was Amy Robbins-Wilson’s version of ‘Hush Little Baby.’ As I listened to her voice I saw the scene roll out in my head. Haunting images over such a calming song gave exactly the eeriness I wanted for the scene. I had to have this song, and emailed Amy in a matter of minutes. I was very lucky that she gave me permission to use it in my film, and it has worked out brilliantly. We thank her greatly for that.

Did your mother sing to you as a child? Do you have memories linked to a lullaby in your own life?

I have wonderful memories linked to lullabies. My parents, being Baby Boomers, mainly sang the Beatles to me as a child. The two I remember enjoying and requesting the most were ‘Yesterday’ and ‘Norwegian Wood,’ both by the Beatles. I think lullabies bring back very powerful emotions, and I know for myself, each time I listen to these songs I am comforted and reminded of my childhood, my parents, and how much I truly loved getting a lullaby sang to me.

What was the biggest challenge you faced during filming?

There were many challenging aspects of making this film, but I would say the biggest challenge we faced was time constraints due to a deadline. However this also kept us focused, and I was blessed to have a very organised producer, Gabby Cole, who definitely kept me sane throughout the process.

What was the most fun?

The most fun we had were those special moments where we would be filming, and see some brilliant footage roll before our eyes. Whether it was a great acting moment (There were plenty, we had a very talented lead actor, Bradley Stevens, who should definitely be watched), or great camera work. The greatest moment out of them all was seeing it come together, seeing the final product screened and knowing we had created something we could all be very proud of.

Isn't is amazing how the internet connects us around the world! Frances Elliott from Australia contacted us about using Amy's recording of Hush Little Baby for his movie. What is better than an around the world artistic collaboration? We asked Frances Elliot to share a few ideas about his movie and his own Lullaby-links.

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