Her eyes were blue as violets and opened with a wire

"Has anyone seen my dolly, the one I most admire?
Her eyes were blue as violets and opened with a wire,
Her proper name was Mary, we used to call her Poll,
Oh tell me have you seen her - oh dear I've lost my doll!

She was such a sweet charming creature,
in her head was a very large crack,
The fire had melted her nose off,
And sawdust ran out of her back!"

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Oct 05, 2020
Another verse NEW
by: Anonymous

We also had "from her head Tommy tore off the leather, and painted it over with ink. And really I cannot tell whether, but her arms are both broken I think!"

Jan 25, 2015
I am looking for this
by: Anonymous

This is the one I was looking for I hadn't got the middle verse but I had round her neck she's a beautiful locket she's got the most marvellous hair. Now what's this I've got in my pocket now who could have put her in there.
Now I have found my dolly the one I most admire
Her eyes are as blue as violets and open with a. Wire
Her proper name is Mary for short we call her poll
And I'm so glad I've found her my own sweet darling doll

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