hushaby little one

Hushabye little one
Don't you cry little one
Dream time is here
You needn't fear
And when you wake
I'll be right here

Go to sleep little one
Don't you weep little one
The stars say goodnight
I say sleep tight
And when you wake
I'll be right here.

Can anyone tell me what children's movie this is from? Think it was early 1980's and an animated film.
I remember singing this to my sons, and now my grandchildren. My daughter-in-law asked me to teach it to her, and I am not sure of its origin or my the words are correct.

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Jul 08, 2013
Vinny's lullabye
by: Anonymous

It was from the special A Chipmunk Reunion. Sang by their mother Vinny

Nov 30, 2012
From where?
by: Anonymous

Its from an episode of Alvin and the Chipmunks when they met their mother. At least that's where I remember if from. I think you are missing a lyric b/c I remember something about the "sandman is near".

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