I can see it in your eyes it's time for a lullaby

there is no need to eat tomorrow will be the day where you go out and play I can see it in your eyes it's time for lullaby.

Does anyone know the rest of the song?

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Nov 19, 2015
Hope this helps NEW
by: Anonymous

It's time to go to sleep there no need to weep. Tomorrow will be the day when you'll have time to play. I can see it in your eyes its time for lullaby.. I can see it in your eyes its time for lullaby.
I know its hard to rest but you must to your best obey and trust that I will sing you a lullaby. I can see it in your eyes its time for lullaby. I can see it in your eyes its time for lullaby.

That's all I remember of it. I've been trying to find the song for years now so I have it for my son. No luck yet though :(

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