i'd like a pickle i the middle

Not really sure that it qualifies as a lullaby but it was a childrens song that came in a book with a tape (from the 90's) . Here are the words i know. its pretty silly but it was my favorite sog when i was little.

Verse 1: eaely in the morning when my tummy starts to _____......and i wantsomething to eat....

Chorus: i'd like a pickle in the middle, ketchup on top and onions on the side. Peanut butter and jelly would really fill my belly and id like some bacon fried. Put on some cheese and mustard please and dont forget the chips........to fit between my lips.

Verse 2: im going on a picnic and i want something to eat.....

Chorus again

Verse 3: something about dinner or a midnight snack

Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated

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Sep 16, 2017
More lyrics NEW
by: Foo

I remembere this song and my sister and I have been trying to figure it out for years! Here's the additional lyrics I remember:

Throw on some cheese and mustard please and don't forget the chips, lettuce and tomato would make it so great, oh to fit between my lips, octopus legs and home fried eggs and a big banana peel....something...oh think of that for a meal."

I also remember another song on the cassette that was something to the effect of "Have you ever had a pickle on a Sunday (Sundae)?"

Please let me know if anyone knows who sings these or where they came from! We've got to solve this mystery!

Jul 22, 2017
Yes! That rang a bell!! NEW
by: OP

Yes! Do you know any other information about this??

Jul 22, 2017
Another lyric NEW
by: Anonymous

"Pour on some soup, not any old goop!" :D

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