Macaroni Pony

Once upon a time in a land not too far from here there lived a heard of beautiful ponies. Of all the ponies in the heard this story is about a wonderful little pony names Macaroni.
My daughter is 21 yrs old and has had this tape since she was 1 month old.
She so desperately wants to find this lullaby for her own family one day.

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Dec 21, 2023
Yes it's legit. NEW
by: Anonymous

Yes the Macaroni Pony copy from Francine is legit. I just got mine too. Thanks!

Oct 07, 2023
Franceen is for Real NEW
by: Anonymous

I received the 3 stories in a digital format from Franceen today. They are the real deal so if u want these stories, Franceen is a good source

Oct 07, 2023
Has anyone Gotten These Stories Digitally from Franceen?
by: Anonymous

In good faith I sent $24 to Franceen via PayPal on 10/5. Her email converted to Self Awareness Institute. So far, I haven’t heard from her. I sent another email to her today without any response.

I hate to think that someone would scam me over lullaby stories for children. Has anyone successfully gotten the stories from her?

Jan 24, 2023
Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Franceen

I have converted Macaroni Pony, Periwinkle Pumpernickel, and Twinkle's Adventure to digital format and make these available to others for $8 per title. I cannot find Karen's Fancy Room, the other title in this series. I knew the couple who developed these bedtime stories with Hemi-Sync sound signals. They left the country in mid 90s and no one seems to have the masters. So many children loved them and want them for their own children and grandchildren now. My email:

Jan 01, 2023
Looking for copy
by: Cece

I am looking for the cassett tape or a download of the entire tape that includes macaroni pony for my granddaughter. My daughter lived her tape and it was destroyed.

Nov 01, 2022
Copies NEW
by: Katie

Hello, I have searched high and low for these cassette tapes and finally found my old copy of Periwinkle Pumpernickel. I have recorded it to a digital MP3 So if anyone wants me to share it I can.

I would really love to get copies of the others as well, especially Macaroni Pony as this was my favourite as a child and I would love to hear it again and play it for my kids. If anyone has copies they can send please let me know.

Jan 15, 2021
Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Franceen

I can make copies of Macaroni Pony, Twinkle's Adventure and/or Periwinkle Pumpernickel. The other title in the series was Karen's Fancy Room. I can't seem to find my copy of that one.

Jan 14, 2021
Looking to buy :) NEW
by: Anonymous

Does anyone have the full set. Or any copies for sale. ? Looking for my newborn nephew. :)

Mar 02, 2019
Twinkles' Adventure NEW
by: Franceen

Regarding Twinkle's Adventure, I tried to email you, but it was returned as non-existent email. I could make a copy of Twinkle's Adventure on cassette tape if you like. I don't have an original for sale. Please email me if you are interested:

Feb 28, 2019
Twinkles Adventures NEW
by: Anonymous

This was my favorite of them all when I was little I have copo s of all the rest just not twinkle. Does anyone that that story on atape you’d want to exchange? My email

Aug 17, 2018
Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Franceen

I no longer have new copies of Macaroni Pony. The company that produced these has been out of business for many years, and the owners live outside of the U.S. to the best of my knowledge.

Since people have continued to request this, I have made cassette copies for some people with Macaroni Pony on one side and Periwinkle Pumpernickle on the other. I sell these for $20.

Aug 13, 2018
Macaroni pony NEW
by: Anonymous

I would love to find Macaroni Pony for my grand daughter

Sep 01, 2017
Pumpernickle Perriwinkle and Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Sherril987

No matter how many searches I make for the audiotapes, Periwinkle Pumpernickle and Macaroni Pony, the absolute only site that comes up is this one. I too played these tapes for my toddler son, both to help him get to sleep and more importantly to relax his little body, mind and soul. I would love to get copies of both audio stories for potential grandchildren and to use with the young children for whom I babysit as a former Speech/Language Therapist who worked in Early Intervention. I initially purchased the tapes while at a conference at the Monroe Institute in Faber, VA. in 1990. If anyone has succeeded to find them I would so appreciate hearing from you at Thanks.

Apr 22, 2017
I still have 2 Macaroni Pony cassettes NEW
by: Franceen

I still have two new Macaroni Pony cassettes...$20 plus postage.

Apr 19, 2017
... NEW
by: Anonymous


Sep 30, 2016
Franceen NEW
by: Anonymous

Please ContAct me at with how to contact you.

Sep 29, 2016
France's tapes NEW
by: Anonymous

Franceen, how can I contact you ?

Sep 22, 2016
Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Franceen

I have two copies of Macaroni Pony for sale ($20 plus shipping), new in the wrapping. Yes, these were sold by The Monroe Institute and they have Hemi-Sync signals in them. They were actually created by a separate company though, and TMI and Monroe Products sold out their inventory many years ago. I would love to find copies of the other stories in that series, Periwinkle Pumpernickle, Karen's Fancy Room and one other.

Jun 03, 2016
Not the Monroe Institute tapes NEW
by: Anonymous

I checked out the Monroe Institute info and they do not appear to be the same tapes everyone is searching for. I'm still searching.

Jun 03, 2016
Macaroni Pony NEW
by: Anonymous

I have been looking forever for these tapes. This morning I found an old clock radio with a cassette tape player and Macaroni Pony was in the player. My daughter listened to these every night before bed when nothing else worked. I wanted to get them on CD now that she is an adult.. I am going to try to put it on a CD or turn it into a music file. Just 3 more to go! On the outside of the CD it had an 800 number but when I called it was disconnected. It does have "The Achates Collections" listed on the front if that helps the search.

May 05, 2016
Where to find macaroni pony NEW
by: Anonymous

These tapes were put out by the Monroe Institute. They were created to help children fall asleep. They have the following titles; macaroni pony, joy jumper, & Robbie the rabbit

Sep 12, 2015
I'm looking also!
by: Anonymous

My daughter listened to this bedtime tape EVERY night of her childhood. She even took it to sleepovers in her Walkman. I thought it would be fun to get her a copy now that she is grown but no luck.
Any ideas?

Feb 15, 2015
Macaroni Pony, Periwinkle Pumpernickel, Karen's Fancy Room
by: Anonymous

Purchased this set of lullaby story cassette tapes over 23 years ago at an Early Childhood Education conference. They were the best investment ever! My daughter (then 2 years old) fell asleep to one of the tapes every fuss...just a pleasant, relaxing transition to sleep.

Want to find them again to give as gifts to my nieces, nephews and daughter as they become parents. If anyone does locate a way to purchase these, please email me at

Feb 13, 2015
Lyrics :)
by: Krystal

We learnt this one in baby rhyme time today.

(Start bouncing)
I have a little pony
His name is macaroni
He trots and trots
And then he stops (stop bouncing)
My funny little macaroni pony (start bouncing)

Feb 07, 2015
looking for Macaroni Pony
by: Anonymous

Macaroni Pony was the answer to our prayers when trying to put our daughter to sleep. We would love to find a copy of it for our granddaughter who also has trouble going to sleep. Please contact me at if you know where I could get a copy

Oct 17, 2014
Trying to find it as well!
by: Anonymous

I have a copy somewhere around my house but I really am trying to find a "newer" version that isn't a cassette tape. (I know it might be very hard to find)

Aug 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

I remember these stories! My best friend had them and whenever we had sleepovers at her house we would listen to them. If anybody knows where I may be able to find them please email me

Jul 08, 2014
macaroni pony
by: Anonymous

i just read that line and i could practically hear the voice from the tape i used to listen to that to go to sleep for years when i was a kid i wanna find the tape or at least the story

Oct 27, 2013
Macaroni Pony
by: Carol

Has anyone found this story tape yet? Played it for both my children. They are now in their 20's. Would love to find it for my grand daughter. It came in a set with Karen's Fancy Room, Twilight's Adventure and Pumpernickle Perriwinkle(?)

Please email at if you have located it!! Thank you!

Aug 26, 2013
Macaroni The Little Pony
by: Karen

I am about to be 53 years old this year, and I listened to Macaroni the little pony when I was 4-5 years old. Really wish I could find it for my grandkids. Please if anyone knows how please message me at, Thank You

Jun 28, 2013
Macaroni Pony
by: Anonymous

Did you manage to get hold of the tape? I'm searching for one too!

Jan 20, 2013
by: Anonymous

My daughter listened to Macaroni Pony every night, for many years. When she was older, she would take the tape in her Walkman , to sleepovers, in secret comfort.
She is turning 21 next month, and I wanted to find her a CD, for fun.

Dec 20, 2012
Macaroni Pony
by: Laur

the lullaby Macaroni Pony calmed my daughter like no other. She is now thirty and would love to find a copy. If any one knows how to find it please email me at I would also like to find it for a friend's son who has a very difficult time calming himself. Thanks

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