now mama rock the baby, daddy rock a little too

by Mary Dunn
(Tifton, GA)

I remember some of the words my dad used to sing but do not know thename. My younger sister is expecting her first baby and our daddy died in 09 so I want to get the song if I can. This is what I remember...

He's been a bawling and a squaling and a kicking at the wall....
Now daddy comes a running with a diaper and a rag
Going need a little diaper changing maybe...
Now mama rocks the baby, daddy rocks a little too,
Gonna get a little sleepy baby maybe...

Does anyone have the rest of the lyrics?

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Nov 27, 2021
Name That Tune
by: Neil Bowers

The song you are remembering is called "Tippy Toeing," and was originally recorded by the Harden Trio, a sibling group that for the most part was a one hit wonder with this song, around 1967-69 time frame if I remember correctly. The lyrics should be available on line. Another good song, when expecting a first baby, is "Pitty, Pitty Patter" by Susan Raye.

Jul 27, 2021
Mama rock the baby NEW
by: Edsmaryan

Mama sleep a little longer but remember while I'm gone won't you please take care of the baby. I'm looking for the song too. A 60s or 70s rock n roll song.

Apr 16, 2017
Loretta Lynn song NEW
by: Anonymous

Loretta Lynn sang the song "Tip toeing" or subduing like that. Look it up and see if that's the song you are trying to find.

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