Oh Momma, what will grandpa do

by Barb D
(Pueblo, CO USA)

Oh Momma, what will grandpa do?
He's gone away to heaven.
Without his silver spectacles, that Uncle John has given.
He cannot read his paper now, or find his hickory stick.
He'll put his coat on wrong side out and make the people laugh.
So, Momma, if you'll dress me up, just like an angel bright, I'll put a ladder 'gainst the sky and take them up tonight.

This is a song that my grandmother sang to my mother, she sang to me and I have sung to my children, gandchildren and great-grandson. I would love to know if there is more to the song and where it came from.

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Oct 14, 2022
Oh Momma, what will grandpa do poem
by: Lorraine

Can someone email me the complete poem, please?

I think someone mentioned it is a song.
If so, where can I find this?

Do I put my email on this site?
Not sure how I do this.
I am in England, East Sussex. Not sure
if this makes a difference.

Thank you.

May 05, 2022
Thank you. NEW
by: I.Piper

Recited this poem as a child in a concert setting and never forgot it or the teacher who assigned it to me.

Dec 18, 2015
Grandpa' Spectacles NEW
by: Anonymous

I have known this poem since childhood when my Father used to read it to us. It can be found in full in' The Thousand best poems in the world' which I recently bought off Amazon

Nov 13, 2015
Grandpas spectacles NEW
by: Tracey

Thank you Elaine you have made my day x

Nov 13, 2015
Grandpas spectacles NEW
by: Anonymous

Elaine thank you so much - you have made my day! X

Nov 12, 2015
Grandpapa's Spectacles NEW
by: Elaine b

Grandpapa's Spectacles by Mrs. M. L. Rayne

Oh, mother, what will Grandpa do?
He's gone away to Heaven,
Without the silver spectacles
That Uncle John had given;
How can he read the papers there,
Or find his hickory staff?
He'll put his coat on wrong side out,
And make the people laugh.

And when he takes the Bible down
And wipes the dusty lid,
He'll never find his spectacles
Within its cover hid;
There won't be any little girl
He likes as well as me,
To run and hunt them up for him
And put them on his knee.

Oh dear! he'll never find the place
About "the wicked flee,"
And how the bears ate children up
(That used to frighten me);
So, mother, if you'll dress me up
Just like an angel bright,
I'll fix our ladder 'gainst the sky,
And take them up to-night.

Jul 02, 2015
Grandpa's Spectacles
by: Anonymous

pls send me the full poem. My id is avinash.sunitha@gmail.com

Jul 02, 2015
Granpas Spectacles
by: Sunitha

I would be really grateful if u could mail me the full poem as I have lost it. My daughter had recited it around eight years back and bagged the first prize. I now want it for my son who is in LKG.

Apr 01, 2015
Grandpas spectacles
by: Tracey

Yes please could you please email me the full poem- email address is traceygale@btopenworld.com. My nana used to sing this to me & I would love to keep pasding it on down the generations. There was another about a girl called Polly Popkins not wanting to go to school - do you know of that one by chance?

Jul 16, 2014
All the verses
by: Elaine b

Hi. I have the full poem in a poetry book that was presented to my gran in 1915!
If anyone wants to leave their email address on here, I will email the info to them

Nov 20, 2012
Oh Momma
by: Barb D

I don't know its origin. That is one reason I put it out here, trying to find out more info and if there are any more verses.

For those who are familiar with this song, any and all info you can rovide would be greatly appreciated,

Nov 19, 2012
Julie's Grandma
by: Anonymous

This song has been in my family for over 125 years. It is really old

Aug 07, 2012
by: Anonymous

Do you have any knowledge of its origin?

Aug 07, 2012
Been looking for this one
by: Anonymous

My Grandmother used to sing this to us but I had forgotten many of the words. Have been searching for a long time. Thanks for posting

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