Rock a Bye, don't you cry. It's time we go nightie night. Close your eyes go to sleep. Tommorrow we'll go see the grandmie. Over the hills, through the woods we will see those little lambies.

by Natalie Meyer
(Salt Lake City, UT. )

This is Tobin, he's 5 Years old now.  My little boy

This is Tobin, he's 5 Years old now. My little boy

My little boy,s daddy, when he was little, was sung this song by his mom. She also sang the song to my little boy when she watched him for me. I don't know if she made it up or if it is a real song.

Can't seem to find any song that really matches those lyrics. I think I remember most of the song. I might be wrong on some of the words. Please help, if you can. It's been driving me bonkers.

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Jun 30, 2019
Rock a bye NEW
by: Stacey

My Grandmother sang this to all her grandkids. She was from Lyman Wyoming and was Mormon. The lyrics were a little different. It's great to see the parts I forgot. I sing this to my grandson it's his favorite.

The lyrics we were sang : Rock a bye dont you cry we shall go to grammies. Up the hill behind the mill to see the little Lammbies .

Sep 28, 2018
Where is that lullaby from? NEW
by: Anonymous

My mom and grandmother sang this song to all of us when being rocked in the rocking chair.

The version I know is a little different but I'm sure part is made up.

Rock a bye, don't you cry and we go up to grannies. Up the hill behind the mill to see the little lambies.

My mom's side are mormon pioneers. English, Irish, Sweedish...

Super interesting to hear others variations and nationalities.

Aug 13, 2014
Don't you cry
by: Tom Bailey

you're not alone my mother sang me the same song. It's one of my earliest memories. Driving along foothill Boulevard in Salt Lake City on the way to visit my great grandmother. I remember seeing the painted rock at the mouth of parleys Canyon.

Apr 24, 2014
My grandmother sang it to me too.
by: Rhonda Hall Paulson

She was from McCammon, Idaho area (Mormon pioneer/English heritage). I now sing it to my grandchildren.

She sang:

Rock a bye,
don't you cry.
We will go to granny's.
Up the hill, down the mill,
to see the little lambies.

Mar 28, 2014
my grandmother sang it to her great grand children
by: gclements

The words of:
Rock -a -bye, Don't you cry
We'll go up to grannies,
Up the Hill, behind the mill
To see the little lambies- go baaaaa

My grandmother and grandfather owned a sheep ranch in Wyoming and so when we would visit, she always sang it. I thought it had to do with the sheep ranch. My grandmother's grandfather came from Ireland, so I guess that could be a connection.

Feb 09, 2014
my mother's lullaby
by: mandy

My grandma and mom sang me the same song. My family is Irish on that side. I've been wondering for years where it comes from! My kids won't sleep at night now until I've sung it to them. I love the sweet tradition it is!

Feb 09, 2014
my mother's lullaby
by: mandy

My grandma and mom sang me the same song. My family is Irish on that side. I've been wondering for years where it comes from! My kids won't sleep at night now until I've sung it to them. I love the sweet tradition it is!

Dec 15, 2013
by: Ginny

My Grandmother sang the same song to me. Her Mother came from Scotland so I always figured that was where it came from.

Sep 09, 2013
by: Carolyn Miller

Our mother sang:
and don't you cry
And we will go to Grannies
Upon the hill
Behind the mill
to see the little lambies.

Do you think we are related?

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