sleepy time for dolly

by susi

Ooh dolly. Look at the time. Its sleeepy time for dolly
Sleepy time for dolly
Busy day is done
Put away your plaything

This was my sister's favourite song as a child. She wishes to sing it to her own little girl. Does anyone know where to find the rest of the lyrics?

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Sep 11, 2020
Recording of Sleepy Time for Dolly NEW
by: Anonymous

Oct 07, 2017
Sleepy Time for Dolly NEW
by: Carol

This was my favorite childhood song, I have the 45 record. Just wish I had a record player so one day I can play it for my grand babies.

Jan 24, 2016
Thanks! NEW
by: Anonymous

Thanks so much!

Jun 10, 2014
lyrics I remember
by: Anonymous

Sleepy time for dolly,busy day is done. Dolly must be tired after so much fun. Put away your play things, say goodnight to all. You will be in dreamland before the shadows fall. Sleepy time for dolly. Time to tuck you in. Pull your little covers up around your chin....iio, say good night to all. Sleepy time for dolly tumble into bed. Close your little eyelids darling sleepy head. now you look so cozy I'll put out the light so until tomorrow dolly dear goodnight.

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