Sway with me in the tops of the trees

My mom used to sing me to sleep with this lullaby. I don't know where else it's from, and can't find anything close to it on the internet. It probably has a different title too.

Partial Lyrics:
...the man in the moon
is climbing the sky...

it says "come with me,
come sway with me
sway with me
in the tops of the trees"

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Feb 19, 2020
I think these are the words you are looking for NEW
by: Anonymous

The day has come to an end
The stars are all in their places again
The man in the moon is climbing the sky
And the breeze is singing a soft lullaby

It says come with me, come sway with me
Sway with me in the tops of the trees.

I think there are a couple more verses, but that a start :)

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