Sweet Lullaby

Daytime is over, Nighttime is here
Dancing bears whisper "sweet dreams" in your ear
Storybook pages all colored with love
The Man in the moon, he looks down from above and sings

Sweet Lullaby
Sweet lullaby
Close your eyes, lullaby
don't you cry, lullaby
Sweet sweet la lullaby song

Green purple rabbits and turtles in red
pink-yellow elephants all tucked in bed
lavender unicorns, drummers in blue
Playing their song and it's all just for you, they sing

Sweet lullaby
sweet lullaby

Close your eyes, lullaby
don't you cry, lullaby
sweet sweet la-lullaby song (repeat)

I used to sing this to my daughter, who is now 19; we can't find it anywhere. It wasn't mainstream...I am heartbroken that we can't find it. Would love to find it. Can anyone help?

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May 13, 2015
Love this CD
by: Anonymous

I too was searching for this. Had it when my daughter was little. She's 21 now :)
The name of the CD is Snuggle Up. Here is the link to find it: https://www.cdbaby.com/cd/bbh2

Nov 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

I just to have the CD and this song was in it, does anyone have the CD the cover has little boy holding a teddy bear

Jul 14, 2014
so lovely
by: kacy

I'm 22 and I still remember my mum singing this to me and my brother. it was always my favourite

Mar 09, 2013
by: Abi

I'm 15 years old, and up to this day me and my mom still sing this. If I found this on youtube or something it would be the greatest day of my life. I wish this song was mainstream. ):

Nov 25, 2011
I have it on tape still
by: Sarah

I don't know how I transfer this to a digital format I can post online, but yes, I'm 19 and I used to have it when I was a baby, the cassette is in my room to this day!

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