The little piccaninnie was crying to the moon

The little piccaninnie was crying to the moon
He didn,t want his mammie to leave him quite so soon
For he loved to hear her aing and sigh
to the Piccaninnie lullaby

This is a lullaby that my Mother used to sing to me and I sang to my children. Somehow I,ve forgotten all of the words.

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Mar 30, 2020
Me too! NEW
by: Anonymous

My Grandmother used to sing to me, I to my kids, they to theirs. I'm 60.

A Picaninny baby kept cryin for the moon; cuz she didn't want her Mammy to leave her quite so soon. She loved to hear that same ole toon, in a picaninny lullaby!

Love it! Would love to know the rest of the lyrics

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