the puppies go night night

by Teri

My mom sang this to me when I was little and I cannot find it anywhere.

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May 28, 2018
by: Dennis in Texas

This song is on a CD titled "Lullabies for Little Worshippers" and can be purchased on Amazon.

This was our nursery music for our oldest daughter who is delivering twins any day now. Wonderful CD.

Sep 04, 2013
Found it on iTunes
by: Anonymous

Here it is on Amazon - there is only one so good luck!

And on iTunes you can find it here:

Night, Night 3:40 The Maranatha! Singers Lullabies for Little Worshippers Children's Music

I had been looking for a long time for this song! I really want to buy the cassette tape but couldn't justify the $20 for something that was going to be hard for me to use now.

Sep 04, 2013
I have been looking for this cassette or a cd for so long!
by: Anonymous

I sure hope someone comes up with it! This was my kids favorite lullaby!

Jun 05, 2013
Cassette tape
by: Emily

I was also looking for that sampler tape from the 90s, I had it when I was a kid. The night night song was on there and also I remember a song that went "we're nectar collectors, is what we are, it's how we get the honey from the hive into the jar"...

Nov 08, 2012
by: Teri

Let's get the word out! I youtubed the person who put up the video, but I don't know if they will respond. I played it for my little girl and she was just in Awe! I sing it to her every night before bed and now I can know for certain the words are going to be right! Thank you thank you thank you for sharing the youtube video! You made my week (because it really has been a rough one =( .......

Nov 08, 2012
youtube puppies video
by: Eileen

I found this youtube video at least...and I also remember it being on a sampler cassette that I got at a Christian bookstore most likely in the mid- 1990's...I too thought I still had it, but couldn't find it.

Oct 26, 2012
by: Teri

That is the exact one I am still looking for! Maybe if we get the word out there someone will come to the rescue and tell us where to find it :) but I am still looking....

Oct 25, 2012
by: Maggie

Hi Teri,
I even put part of the lullaby in google search and nothing came up.


Oct 25, 2012
No luck...
by: Teri

I have been looking everywhere as well and have yet to find it! You would think google would be resourceful! If I do find it I will be sure to post it up here...because it seems a few other people are looking for the exact same song. Good luck!

Oct 24, 2012
Looking for the same song?
by: Maggie

A friend of mine is looking for a lullaby with these lyrics, posting some:

The Puppies go night night
the kittens go night night
the ponies will sleep the night through

the birdies go night night
the flowers go night night
and babies they go night night, too.

Is this the same song you are looking for? I have looked all over, can not find it. Did you have any luck?


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