This is the way to baby land ...(part of sentence I can't remember).. .up one flight to the right,please do ring the bell.

by Laura
(Seattle, Wa.,U.S.A..)

My grandmother and great used to sing this to me. They wrote the words down for me, but I have since lost them. I was born in 1957. They were born in 1912 or so. It would have been sung to them by their mother. I was very close to these two woman and they were such incredible people. I wish to pass the lullaby on to others as I have not heard it sung very often. I know the musical tune as my mother used to sing and hum it to me. We just don't have all the words.

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Jan 09, 2016
Granny's version NEW
by: Anonymous

Curly heads on the bed waiting there for me

Sep 12, 2015
by: Anonymous

I was born in 89. I had it on a cassette all the way I remember it and I still sing it to my kids it goes how many miles to Babyland anyone can tell up one flight to the right place to ring a bell what do they do in Babyland why the oddest things might as well try to tell what the birdie sings what do they say in baby land why the strangest things might as well try to sing what the birdie singes who is the queen in Babyland mother kind and dear with her love born above guides the mid movie
I found this trying to find the name of it

Jun 24, 2014
Which is the way to Babyland
by: Beth

My mother sang this to us too. She said it came from a movie she saw from the 1940's. Does anyone know what movie it was?

Jan 25, 2012
part of the sentence that you cant remember...This is the way to baby land
by: Anonymous

This is the way to baby land
Anyone can tell
Up on flight, to the right
pleased do ring the bell.

Sep 11, 2011
Last verse
by: Anonymous

Who is the queen of baby land
Mother kind and sweet
And her love born above
Guards you in your sleep.

Listened to this as a child.

Sep 11, 2011
Last verse
by: Anonymous

Who is the queen of baby land
Mother kind and sweet
And her love born above
Guards you in your sleep.

Listened to this as a child.

Aug 31, 2011
Two More Verses I Think
by: Tim

Which is the way to Baby Land?
Oh, any one can tell;
Up one flight,
And, to your right;
Please to do ring the bell.

What can you see in Baby-Land?
Little folks dressed all in white,
With downy heads,
And cradle-beds,
Their faces pure and bright.

What do they do in Baby-Land?
They dream and wake and play all day,
They laugh and crow,
And shout and grow,
Oh, the jolly times have they.

What do they say in Baby-Land?
Why, of course, they say the oddest things;
We might as well
Tho try to tell
What a birdie sings.

Aug 31, 2011
Is this it?
by: Lullaby Link

"Which is the way to baby-land? Anyone can tell;
Up one flight, To your right. Please ring the bell.

What can you see in baby-land? Little folks in white - downy heads, cradle-beds, faces pure and bright."

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