You're someone becoming somebody new. My heart rejoices when I look at you. You're someone who's special and someday we'll see, The wonderful someone you're growing to be.

by Kathryn
(Mt.Holly, NC)

During the early 1980s someone gave me a cassette tape which was a compilation of Christian artists singing lullabies, I think. This one was about your child growing up and it always made me cry. We had finally adopted our first child and I didn't know if she would be my only child. It was hard to think of that sweet time passing in my life. Little did I know, I would adopt 7 precious children! That little girl is a wonderful mother and wife now, who loves Jesus, just as I prayed she would! I would love to find that album for her to listen to now.

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Feb 10, 2022
Good Night, Sleep Tight NEW
by: Anonymous

I still have this well-loved cassette. :) It's called "Good Night, Sleep Tight" produced by Pam Mark Hall. I just found it at for $10 plus $5 shipping.

May 24, 2018
Favorite 1980's Lullaby Album NEW

The name of the LP Album is "Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes" by Candle.

The picture on the cover is of a little boy in a baby blue sleeper holding the hand of his little brown teddy bear. and from the bottom left corner, they are looking up a trail that leads to a tan castle on a hill top.

Just saw LP & CD on ebay for $14.9p

I bought it so it would not be lost, if you want it contact my email...I have two

Sep 29, 2016
Desparately searching for this song... NEW
by: Gladys

I'd give ANYTHING to find a copy of this song. I sang it to my daughter every night while I rocked her to sleep 33 years ago and I've been looking for it ever since. Does anyone know where I can get a copy?

Jan 08, 2013
CD available
by: Anonymous

I think the cassette's title track was "Good night, Emily", and it is not apparently available directly from the original artist on CD at

May 20, 2012
What are the details of this album?
by: Emilie

Dear Anonymous Emily,

I had this tape, too, when I was younger, but I can't find it, anymore, and I would love to have the exact album title, other song titles, artists' names, production information... just anything specific about it, so that I can look for it online. All I remember is the Goodnight Emily song and the I think the title of the album is Goodnight, which basically makes it impossible to Google effectively.

Thanks so much for your help.


Mar 20, 2012
I have that tape
by: Anonymous

I just wanted to let you know that I have that tape. My parents bought it when I was born in 1983 and I have listened to it until this very day. My name is Emily. Goodnight Emily sleeptight Emily Jesus keeps your dreams. The God above is the God of love so little girls sleep in peace. That tape means the world to me.

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